Computer Vision News - April 2021
252 Open-Access Journal Marcello Pelillo is a Full Professor at the University of Venice leading the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition group. He has been working in the field of computer vision for 30 years now, including serving as General Chair at ICCV2017 in Venice. Marcello shows no intention of slowing down just yet. In fact, he has just taken on a new position as chief editor of the Computer Vision section of the Frontiers in Computer Science journal. He speaks to us about his exciting new role and how open access is changing the landscape of scientific publishing. Frontiers in Computer Science is one of over 100 journals published by leading Switzerland-based open- access publisher and open-science platform Frontiers . Each journal has a number of sections covering a range of academic disciplines. Led by Kaleem Siddiqi , Frontiers in Computer Science has eight sections of which Computer Vision is one. “I’ve been on the editorial board of this journal for many years,” Marcello tells us. “Originally, the section was focused on computer image analysis. When Kaleem and the editorial staff approached me about taking the computer vision lead, I was a little reluctant at first because there are already excellent journals in the field, such as PAMI and IJCV , and excellent conferences, including CVPR, ICCV and ECCV . I wanted to understand if they shared my ambitions and vision, and in the end, we agreed our common goals and I was happy to accept. These journals are popular and very good in terms of impact factor. I know that it is going to be challenging, but I said let ’s give it a try. I like challenges!” One of the first things Marcello did was Front iers in Computer Vi s ion Marcello Pelillo
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