Computer Vision News - April 2021

I've always loved the fact that our discipline, despite its rapidly growing size and popularity, managed to retain much of the friendliness and collegial character of its early days. So, when I heard that we are getting our own magazine, at first I was quite apprehensive. Is this going to be some shiny, glossy thing like MIT Tech News or Gizmodo, or crazy self- promotional rumor mill like Reddit, Hacker News, or, god forbid, academic twitter? But once I read the first few issues of the Computer Vision News, I was happy to see that my fears were totally misplaced. The magazine has the feel of a small town newsletter, with research news sharing the pages with casual interviews, photos of group hikes and people's pets, profiles ofup-and-coming young researchers, advice columns on how to enjoy grad school, etc. Indeed, this is exactly what we need to retain the friendly, no-drama culture of our discipline while making sure that the new-comers are welcomed and don't feel overwhelmed. Happy birthday, Computer Vision News! Alexei (Alyosha) Efros - UC Berkeley To Ralph and all members of the Computer Vision News magazine, congrats on celebrating your 5th anniversary!! It has been a while since we had our in-depth interview 5 years ago, we've both grown during this time, and today I feel fortunate to have Nanit featured on one of your first magazine editions, in August 2016 ;) Keep on the good work of providing quality news to the computer vision community!! Assaf Glazer - Nanit It has been a while since we met in Athens and once again in Shenzhen! Indeed, RSIP Vision is among a very few magazines which highlight the news of scientific events! I wish you and RSIP Vision a great success! Shadi Albarqouni - Helmholtz AI and TUM Congratulations to the RSIP Vision team and especially to Ralph! Thanks for your interest in the computer vision community and also for your enthusiasm and dedication. In bocca al lupo!! Clara Fernández - ETHMedia Technology Center 36 Happy 5th Anniversary "Congratulations to the RSIP Vision team and especially to Ralph!" "Happy birthday, Computer Vision News!"