Computer Vision News - April 2021

Congratulations for your five year anniversary of Computer Vision News, empowering our research community with much needed information. May the next five be even more successful and thrilling both for the research community and the magazine. Alon Baram - TAU and BiosenseWebster, a J&J Company Happy CVNews-anniversary, 4000 pages is quite an impressive achievement... glad to be part of this adventure! Congratulations! Aïcha BenTaieb - Tempus Labs, Inc. Congratz Computer Vision News for your 5th anniversary. Keep publishing and giving us awesome and cutting- edge news from the CV world. You're the best! Amnon Geifman - Weizmann Institute of Science, Deci AI and former CVNeditor Many congrats on 5th anniversary, Computer Vision News! Thanks a lot for your inspiring interviews and bringing our ever-growing CV community closer together! Hyo Jin Kim - Facebook Reality Labs Research Cheers to your special day! Happy 5th Anniversary! Wishing more success in the upcoming future!! QiDou-TheChineseUniversityofHongKong Congratulations to the creative team of a great magazine - and especially to the marketing manager with the biggest smile (Ralph A.) Lena Maier-Hein - German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) 4,5Million page views! What a colossal achievement! Big congratulations! Thanks for connecting us to our community and making us united in our diversity! Islem Rekik - BASIRA Lab, Istanbul Technical University Congratulations on 5 outstanding years of Computer Vision News, Ralph! As our conferences grow in size, it is always a pleasure to learn about all of the exciting new developments in our field through your entertaining and informative magazine. Serge Belongie - Cornell University Happy 5th Birthday Computer Vision News! Congratulations on the amazing job that you do at presenting, spreading and celebrating great work and great people in the computer vision community. Thank you also for having the opportunity to read about inspiring Women in Computer Vision. I look forward to reading more of your editions in the future! Jelena Frtunikj - ArgoAI 34 Happy 5th Anniversary