Computer Vision News - April 2021
Dear Ralph and the Computer Vision News team, a big congratulations on the 5-year anniversary of the magazine! Always look forward to reading the magazine at conferences. Here’s to another 5 exciting years! Marta Kersten-Oertel - Concordia University It has been 5 years since you started this initiative. It seems like ages as the Magazine reaches out wide and deep into the multiple communities liked to computer vision and its numerous application domains. Computer Vision News, for instance, has brought the work in MICCAI to the attention of the wider computer vision community and vice versa. This interaction was timely over the past 5 years, where both got benefits, I believe, in interacting and learning from each other. Yet it has been only 5 years! I can’t believe it: nearly 4,000 pages of scientific knowledge shared for free, reaching over 4,500,000 total pageviews. We cannot thank you enough, and with you to RSP Vision, for your leadership and fantastic work. I am joining many other colleagues in wishing you all the best in the next 5 years and beyond! Alejandro Frangi - University of Leeds Thanks to Ralph, year after year Computer Vision News amazes us, makes us smile, helps us discover innovations and people. The magazine has become an essential and much awaited partner of our MICCAI weeks. Thank you Ralph and happy birthday to Computer Vision News! CarolineEssert -UniversitédeStrasbourg Wow it has been five years! Congratulations! I really enjoyed my interview with Ralph -- he asked such great questions -- and I can't wait to see more awesome content from RSIP Vision. Chip Huyen - Stanford University A big congratulations to Computer Vision News Magazine for their 5th year anniversary!! What many may not know is that this magazine is organized by Ralph and RSIP Vision and it is a completely independent process from the conference organization. I know this is an immense amount of work and your passion shines through. Thanks so much Ralph for your dedication to the field and fostering our community. Your articles bring humanistic aspects to our colleagues that I enjoy reading greatly. Looking forward to the 10th year anniversary :) Angjoo Kanazawa - UC Berkeley 33 Computer Vision News "You're the best!!" "It has been 5 years"
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