Computer Vision News - April 2021

Warmest congratulations to Computer Vision News magazine for this great achievement! My best wishes for many more, as successful magazine issues to follow! Stamatia Giannarou - Imperial College London I cannot believe it has been 5 years since Computer Vision News has come into existence. I remember how excited I was to be interviewed for my first CVPR in 2017, and what interesting picks and "behind-the- scenes" info it had about some all- star papers & researchers. Of course, the majority of those cases I couldn't attend the presentations for those papers because the CVPR venues are huge and there are usually parallel sessions happening, but thanks to Computer Vision News, I became aware of them and marked them to look up later. I also remember youwere pulling allnighters to make sure it was published on time every day the next day. Well done, and congratulations on your 5th birthday! Derya Akkaynak - Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida Atlantic University Great service to the vision community! Matthias Niessner - Technical University of Munich It has been a challenging year for all of us. Fortunately, the Internet and technology have connected us far more closely than ever before. I am amazed to see how computer vision and machine learning technologies have transformed the way we communicate, think, and live in the past year. Moving into a new chapter, I am looking forward to seeing Computer Vision News magazine to share more exciting news of people and technology in this community and bring us all together. Xin Lu - Adobe Congratulations Computer Vision News! Another year, another data point, and your model keeps getting better and better! Thank you for all your fantastic work and knowledge sharing. Dan Stoyanov - WEISS Centre, University College London Happy five years anniversary to Computer Vision News! Thank you for connecting the community and for uplifting women in computer vision. Looking forward to many great conversations to come, both virtual and in person post-pandemic. Best wishes for the next five years and beyond! Amy Bearman - Facebook Reality Labs 32 Happy 5th Anniversary