Computer Vision News - September 2020
method that works well and provides a new base for others to build on. At Google, Rico is part of the research group working on robotics with co- author Anelia A ngelova, whom we also interviewed this week at ECCV (read her interview on page 62) . “Anelia is great, ” he smiles. “ She’s a manager who gives you a lot of freedom to explore yourown ideas. She’s really good at helping you grow as a researcher. ” Part of their work is on computer vision for robotics . What does Rico find particularly exciting about this area, and does he have any advice for new people entering the field? “I’m interested in the problem of perception from the context of a robot ,” he responds. “It’s almost like subjective physics . You need to find the description of the world from the perspective of a robot that allows you to understand the kinds of sensory inputs that come in. This perception problem is something that I find fascinating. For someone new to the field, I would echo advice that I received: Don’t be afraid to do something new and go off in a different direction. Even if it doesn’t immediately improve state 2 Oral Presentation 8 "Enabling robots to perform dynamic tasks should be easy if you can directly see motion!" Best of ECCV 2020
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