Computer Vision News - October 2020

Pkg.add("PyCall") f(x::Float64, y::Float64) = x + y julia> f(8.0, 12.0) 20.0 Julia 23 Julia is a new language developed by Alan Edelman, Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski and Viral Shah in the MIT using -well you guessed it!- the MIT License. To explain this with an example, take the following + mathematical symbol. In Julia + is a function using multiple dispatch . A method can be restricted to a specific type of arguments by using the :: operator such as: Only when both x and y are of type Float64 the function definition will be applied. If the numbers given aren’t floats then an error would be displayed. There are also many characteristics of the language that may be currently missing, as it’s a very new language. But one shouldn’t worry at all! One of the extremely useful features of Julia is that it can call Python code, which means that it provides almost infinite possibilities to use existing code :) This is done using the package PyCall: