Computer Vision News - May 2020
2 Summary Co puter Vision Challenge 8 vision, invites the groups of researchers and individual enthusiasts to participate to participate in the 2nd international Illumination Estimation Challenge. This event will become part of the competitive program of the ICMV conference, which will bring together leading experts in computer vision and researchers involved in image processing, improving the algorithms of digital cameras, developing new tools for image analysis and recognition. The competition is organized in cooperation with the University of Zagreb. The competition for illumination estimation is a prestigious event that allows researchers not only to demonstrate their level of competence in the field of computer vision, but also to publish the results of their research in prestigious scientific journals on computer vision. A traditional subject for the color constancy competition is to determine the color parameters of the light source. This year’s competition is organized at the initiative of last year’s winning team - specialists in the visual systems laboratory at the IITP of RAS. The 2020 edition involves several important innovations that make the competition even more interesting for the Every month, Computer Vision News reviews a challenge related to our field. If you do not take part in challenges, but are interested to know the new methods proposed by the scientific community to solve them, this section is for you. This month we tell you about the 2nd Illumination Estimation challenge, organized by Kharkevich Institute and Zagreb University this year. We also interviewed the main organizers – IITP researchers who won the challenge in 2019. This year, The Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, being one of the organizers of the ICMV international conference on computer I l l u m i n a t i o n Estimation Challenge by Cyril Ivanov
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