Computer Vision News - May 2020
2 Summary Editorial Dear readers, As we all adjust to the unfolding situation, we wish to share with clients, followers and friends how we are doing. I am pleased to report that we are all doing OK. RSIP Vision took an early decision to smart work: 100% of our workforce is safe, healthy and effectively providing from their homes the same efficient and professional level of service that our clients are used to, regardless of circumstances. Employing Agile methods, we monitor and streamline the development team's work as well as their well-being. We continue publishing full issues of our AI magazine Computer Vision News at the beginning of each month, with always fascinating insights from our community. We turned our successful Bay Vision meetup into an online event, with spectacular attendance of viewers wishing to learn and discuss Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning with the top experts. I hope that you stay safe and can continue to meet your personal and business goals. Please keep in touch: you can do that b y following our webinars and subscribing to Computer Vision News. Enjoy this May issue of our magazine and take us along for your next AI projects! Computer Vision News Editor: Ralph Anzarouth Engineering Editors: Marica Muffoletto Ioannis Valasakis Head Designer: Rotem Sahar Publisher: RSIP Vision Contact us Free subscription Read previous magazines Copyright: RSIP Vision All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is strictly forbidden. Follow us: Best wishes, Ron Soferman CEO, RSIP Vision
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