Computer Vision News - May 2020

3 Summary WEISS at UCL 1 the importance of communicating the research beyond the scientific community , to the general public at large,” she tells us. “That’s where I think an expert in communication is necessary!” They are currently interviewing to fill that new dream job. WEISS has many ongoing collaborations with groups in the MICCAI (Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention) and IPCAI (Information Processing in Computer- Assisted Interventions) communities, across academia, research and industry . Ultrasound researchers at WEISS cooperate with parallel companies. They have ongoing cooperation with Intuitive Surgical (the maker of the da Vinci surgical system). They also look to spin out some of the work that they have done at WEISS: their academics are currently involved in two spinouts: Odin Vision and Echopoint Medical (a third spinout has just been purchased). The following article with Dan Stoyanov discusses their work in Digital Surgery and Touch Surgery (recently acquired by Medtronic ). Besides dialogue with public and patient groups, Public Engagement Manager Dan Taylor ensures that projects fill the need of the patient throughout every stage. Unlike most research centers, WEISS also has a dedicated Quality Manager: Sarina Hussain , who helps on a number of projects and helps the center’s engineers understand the path to the clinic.