Computer Vision News - March 2020
3 Summary Orcun Goksel 31 on our magazine. “This year we actual ly extended to attenuation and Richard Rau received a best presentation award at MICCAI for it,” Orcun adds enthusiastical ly. This award fol lows Ece Özkan ’ s award for best paper runner-up received at CARS 2017. The fol lowing year Mati ja Ciganovic was featured too on our CARS 2018 Preview. Speaking of achievements, Orcun can’t let us go without mentioning his PhD student, Firat Özdemir , who has successful ly defended his thesis only a few days ago (Feb 21) . We wish him al l the best! to local tissue biomechanics. It ’s a relatively novel technique. Excitedly, Orcun tel ls us: “With recent cl inical studies we’ve shown that this is far more accurate in breast cancer di fferential diagnosis, e.g. of invasive ductal carcinoma, than conventional ultrasound imaging methods.” In fact, they have been in touch with several industry contacts hoping to transform this work into a real product. Internal ly, they have looked into whether they can go in the direction of a spin- off. They already have patents and have presented work at MICCAI , for which Sergio Sanabria was featured Fast automatic deformable registration by Valery Vishnevskiy Speed-of-sound imaging by Richard Rau automatic anatomical meshing from images by Jan Haller
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