Computer Vision News - June 2020

3 Summary Rachel Spykerman 39 Did anyone around you discourage you from leaving your career to start a new one? My parents were a little bit hesitant at first. Everyone was really supportive. I didn’t just jump into it. I took small steps in order to figure out where to get to. I didn’t just immediately quit my job. I decided to study, start learning, and see where I want to go. Once I did that, I said, “Okay, now I can quit my job. I have the money to do it, and so, why not?” If you can do it, just do it! Yeah, but on the other hand, is it better to have unconditional support on whatever you want to do, even if you do the wrong things, or is it better that someone will tell you honestly that you vision courses, loved that. I decided to quit my job and study full time. From there, I sort of banked on the fact that I could find a startup that would give me an opportunity to learn as I grew with them. The rest is history! Isn’t that brave of you to switch careers like that! It was a big risk, but I had the support of my family and friends at that point. You have to take risks in life. If you’re not happy with what you are currently doing, it’s always good to take a risk and try to do what makes you happy and do that. shouldn’t make a bad decision? I definitely did have some good back and forth withmy family, and a couple friends as well. They’d say, “Well, is this the right step for you to do? Make sure that you think through what you are doing. Really make sure that this is the right thing to do, work-wise, financially-wise.” I did have a lot of back and forth. I was a little nervous at first. I think once I discovered what I wanted to do and how to do it, it made sense. It was the right decision. "It was a big risk" How different are these two fields, semiconductor physics and robotics? They are definitely quite different. Semiconductor physics is more on the fabrication process of GPUs, and even