Computer Vision News - July 2020
2 Summary Editorial Dear readers, June has been a very busy month for our community, with a very special edition of CVPR . Instead of welcoming us in Seattle, CVPR went digital. Nonetheless, this Virtual CVPR triumphed . Scientists from around the world presented an impressive 1,400+ accepted papers online . As usual, RSIP Vision and its magazine, Computer Vision News , joined the party. We partnered with CVPR for the 5th consecutive year to publish CVPR Daily throughout the conference. In this July issue of Computer Vision News, we highlight the best of the best from CVPR 2020. Our BEST OF CVPR section features just a tiny portion of the event, but you’ll get an idea of some of the most meaningful memories from this year’s conference. Among these highlights, we share our exclusive interviews with two of the most respected professors in our community: Pascal Fua and Trevor Darrell . As expected, some of their comments and recommendations for our community are quite radical. So, don’t miss these rather unconventional interviews! This edition of Computer Vision News features more than just CVPR. Our editors have reviewed a fascinating paper for you just recently published in Nature: A Map of Object Space in Primate Inferotemporal Cortex . We also bring you MONAI , an exciting Open Source AI Framework for Healthcare Research by NVIDIA and KCL . You’ll read about another successful deep learning project by RSIP Vision . Plus, the Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) conference has just issued a call for papers, and the organizers explain to our readers why it’s a good idea to submit and attend. Enjoy the reading and subscribe for free! Computer Vision News Editor: Ralph Anzarouth Engineering Editors: Marica Muffoletto Ioannis Valasakis Head Designer: Rotem Sahar Publisher: RSIP Vision Contact us Free subscription Read previous magazines Copyright: RSIP Vision All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is strictly forbidden. Follow us: Ralph Anzarouth Editor, Computer Vision News Marketing Manager , RSIP Vision
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