Computer Vision News - February 2020

3 Summary Belén Luque Lopez 31 more speci f ic. I think, i f you look for it, you can probably f ind it. There are a lot of hidden careers that you don’t real ize. There is so much that you can search for. I f you put in the effort, you can f ind something speci f ic to what you l ike and what you want to achieve. If you could give advice to your younger self when you started university, what would it be? I would say, probably, look for di fferent careers. I chose telecommunications because there was a branch cal led Audiovisual Systems and that ’s what I l iked: audio and images. But I had to do two years of antennas and signal processing, which I didn’t real ly l ike. I think now people do things more tai lored to what they l ike, "If you put in the effort, you can find something specific to what you like and what you want to achieve."