Computer Vision News - February 2020
Summary Wo en in Computer Vision 28 You studied in Barcelona. Can you tel l us how it was? Of course, I was one of the only girls in class since high school . In high school , we chose a branch. I chose technology. There were only three girls in a class of 30 or 40 guys. That was the same in my bachelor ’s degree. Then the ratio changed a l ittle bit because I did my master ’s in computer vision. Whereabouts? In Barcelona. My bachelor ’s was in telecommunications. The ratio was a lot of guys and three girls. Computer vision, for some reason, had more girls. It was sti l l not 50/50, but you could see there were a lot more girls than in my bachelor ’s degree. Where is it easier to study? In a 50/50 environment or when you Tel l me something that you adore about Sweden. I adore that everything works! It works way better than in Spain, l ike the administration stuff. Of course, it has its f laws. It ’s not perfect, but you feel that they are trying to make l i fe better for you. In the company, they are not keeping the money for themselves, but they are giving the money to the employees to make your environment better or your health better. In Spain, they care less about your health, your mental health, or i f you are in a nice environment. Here, they want everyone to feel better and to work better. Would you go back to Spain? What would bring you back to Barcelona one day? Maybe! Probably! In Barcelona, the computer vision community is growing a lot. They are putting in a lot of effort to expand it. I ’m not sure about my plans. For now, in Sweden, I have a nice job and nice friends. I f I have an opportunity in Barcelona, and the situation there is good, and I have good conditions. It depends on my l i fe here. I f I f ind friends and fami ly here then I ’ l l stay here. I f I found a good job and a nice apartment then, yeah, I
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