Computer Vision News - April 2020

UCL Medical Im 6 UCL Medical Image Computing Summer School (MedICSS) 6 – 10th July 2020 London, UK University College London is proud to announce the sixth Medical Image Computing Summer School which will bring together international delegates interested in medical image analysis, data science, artificial intelligence and robotics. As part of the course delegates will learn about the newest developments in the medical image computing field. Lectures by scientific leaders will be augmented with focused supervised project work in small groups which will encourage collaboration, critical thinking and scientific discovery. Projects will cover robotics, image segmentation, deep learning, respiratory motion modelling and statistical modelling in neurological diseases. Taking advantage of London’s position as a global city and international travel hub, we invite applications to MedICSS, especially from gifted doctoral students wishing to take advantage of this exciting opportunity to be at the forefront of medical image computing research and systems. To apply please send two paragraphs describing your background and interest in medical imaging to The application deadline is 6 th April 2020. Once places are filled, registration will be closed. Registration details are available on the website. UCL MedICSS is sponsored by the UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC), the Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences (WEISS) and UCL’s EPSRC funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent, Integrated Imaging in Healthcare (i4health). We look forward to welcoming you to London in July. Joseph Jacob and Simon Arridge Organisers of the 2020 MedICSS Summer School Jo eph Jacob and Simon Ar r idge at UCL or ani ze he s i x th Medi cal Image Comput ing Summer School whi ch wi l l cover medi cal image anal ys i s , dat a sc ience, ar t i f i c ial intel l igence and r obot i cs . At tendees wi l l learn about the newes t developments in the medi cal image comput ing f ield, inc luding image segment at ion, deep learning, respi r ator y mot ion model l ing and s t at i s t i cal model l ing in neur ologi cal di seases . The 2020 MedICSS vent will be entirely run online to allow for anticipated travel restrictions during this challenging time. Registration will remain open until April 6, 2020. 2 Summarye School 32 UCL Medical Image Computing Summer School (MedICSS)