Computer Vision News - May 2019
1. Conda conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab 2. Conda pip install jupyterlab 3. conda install ipywidgets 4. jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager 5. Then run it with “jupyter lab” Ability to create a new view for the output: Having to scroll up and down to view the code and output can be really annoying, so it’s nice that one of JupyterLab’s features is the ability to create a new view for the output in a separate tab, so you can see things side by side. See below, the left illustration: right click to open a pop-up menu and select “Create New View for Output”, the right illustration: a code panel and an output panel. There's also dragging and dropping of cells within and between notebooks - try it out - it’s easy. 17 Focus on Computer Vision News Interactive Computing with Human-in-the-Loop
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