Computer Vision News - May 2019

Project Management Tip 13 Computer Vision News put upon the team for fast delivery and the like. This will help avoid situations of crisis further down the line. When the measure is close to the limit, the client should be informed and the work should be slowed down to enable the needed changes to the software. In order to do so, the software architecture should be built in such a way to perform a measurable test of the quality of the results. Failing to do so might be comparable to building a very high tower, breaking several milestones. When the crisis will reach the software, it will be much deeper: it will then be much more expensive to correct, regardless of the software performance until then. Our recommendation is to dedicate part of the development time (let’s say about 10%) to building a completely different approach. That means preparing in advance an approach which now might seem useless, too experimental or even too dangerous, but it might prove itself to be a valid alternative at a later stage. More articles on Project Management Management