Computer Vision News - July 2019

42 Computer Vision News Autonomous Driving: AutoX AutoX is a self-driving car company, focused on developing self-driving car technology . Their core product is an AI platform that can be installed on different kinds of vehicles for applications such as logistics delivery services, airport transportation, and city driving in smart, 5G-connected cities. We talked about it with Jianxiong Xiao , CEO and founder of AutoX . Xiao tells us that there are many automakers around the world making cars, and there are many sensor companies making Lidar and radar cameras, but what is missing is a good AI platform . The self-driving AI platform has many components. The first is high-definition 3D mapping and HD mapping. Next is localisation. Localising where the vehicle is in relation to the HD map. Then it’s perception, including object detection, object recognition, object tracking, as well as object prediction to predict what an object is going to do next. Then there is a decision-making component called behaviour planning. Given the road condition and the traffic situation, the car has to make a smart decision about whether it’s going to stop, go, turn left, or turn right. Next comes motion and speed planning. After it has made that decision, it has to plan the trajectory and exact speed that it is going to drive. With Jianxiong Xiao “…they are the only company in the world with AI sophisticated and smart enough to deal with the very dense and challenging traffic there”