Computer Vision News - February 2019
Computer Vision News Editor: Ralph Anzarouth Engineering Editor: Assaf Spanier Publisher: RSIP Vision Contact us Give us feedback Free subscription Read previous magazines Copyright: RSIP Vision All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is strictly forbidden. Follow us: Computer Vision News Welcome 3 Did you subscribe to Computer Vision News? It’s free, click here! Dear reader, RSIP Vision is very active in the field of Autonomous Vehicles, having carried many projects in that area. It is therefore natural for us to dedicate most articles in this issue of Computer Vision News to this subject. As usual, you will find articles on a wide range of topics. But just for this time, most of them will be in self-driving cars, ADAS, autonomous systems and the like. They include a report from CES in Las Vegas , the review of a project by RSIP Vision, a recent paper by Valeo on automated driving, our recommendation for training on project management, a gratifying testimonial by one of RSIP Vision’s clients and more AI for AV news than ever. You will also read on page 14 the wrap-up remarks of Jorge Cardoso concerning the Medical Segmentation Decathlon , a very popular challenge sponsored by DeepMind , NVIDIA and RSIP Vision . Results are quite surprising! Finally, we know from readers’ feedback that you love codes. One of the technical articles of this month will give you more code than you have ever found in our magazine: read it on page 24. Enjoy the reading! Ralph Anzarouth Editor, Computer Vision News RSIP Vision Last Minute: the Bay Vision Meetup in Sunnyvale on the topic of Developments in Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles - photos on pages 36-37!
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