Computer Vision News - May 2018

AI can create jobs: get ready for an exciting career as…: Are the robots going to take all of our jobs , most of our jobs or just a few of them? Here is an article which looks at the problem the other way round, considering the jobs that robots might create . Find in it entirely novel positions, requiring skills and training never needed before, that Artificial Intelligence will create. Read Now… Artificial Intelligence is coming to the dairy farm: Farmers have much to gain from AI applications helping them assess and monitor their herd . They are even not afraid of potential job elimination, since they’re in a labor crunch from years of too few young people getting into farming and they need all the help they can get. We also have developed a precise farming app for cows . Read Now! Seeing more with in silico labeling of microscopy images: This one is a post by Google Research , reviewing a new paper which presents an approach called “ in silico labeling ” ( ISL ). This model reliably predicts some fluorescent labels from transmitted-light images of unlabeled fixed or live biological samples, generating biological measurements that would otherwise be problematic or impossible to acquire. This solves problems like spectral overlap and perturbations of the experiment. Read more! Spotlight News 49 How To Spot a Deepfake Barack Obama Video - Or Not: That’s not just another funny Obama video. It’s something that we expected since the famous Face2Face live demo at CVPR . Here is Barack Obama saying with his own voice and lips things that he would never agree with . From now on, you will ever think that any video you watch is fake . Just like this one : click on the image to watch! AI startups are not only in the Silicon Valley ! Here’s a nice list of 10 top French AI startups! The Helvetica Font Is Now an Encryption Device: Or how an innocent piece of text can now hold secret messages. This is simply done by tiny modifications of each character of the font, such that the human eye can’t detect - but the algorithm can. Deep learning networks can be trained to identify the slight variations in each letter and then use the decoding algorithm to understand the message, just like a QR or a barcode . Read Now!