Computer Vision News - June 2018

35 Application: Altia Systems Computer Vision News Application by taking three images and combining them. This provides a 180 ° view without distorting the image. ” A standard conferencing camera provides a view around 90 degrees, and the software running in the device automatically adjusts the view just wide enough to include everyone in the video. The camera corrects itself rather than recording footage of the actual room itself. This limits the level of interaction during video conferencing, especially considering that 70% of communication is nonverbal. Whether during a business meeting or inside the classroom, people instinctively like to get context. They want to include everyone in the conversation and see how they react. PanaCast has a core vision of transforming video by giving it a very natural view. The device not only gives a 180 ° view, but also performs intelligent sensing. The camera analyzes the video to detect people, for example, it detects people’s faces and adjusts the field of view automatically to just the right size to include everyone. It can also count and provide information on the number of people present in the meeting, and later, the device will be able to detect other things as well. Then they can combine the detection with the video to take autonomous action or automate/optimize workflows. To this, Khan adds: “ We think that really great technology works so well that people forget it’s there. The technology adapts to you, and you don’t adapt to the technology. We want to keep expanding and improving the experience without people having to make manual effort or break the conversation. We think that there are many opportunities in this area. ” Altia Systems makes both the hardware and the software for their solutions. Their device has three, full independent cameras which are three mega-pixels each. Each has its own “The technology adapts to you, and you don’t adapt to the technology.”