Computer Vision News - January 2018
Computer Vision News 37 We shall see. [ we both laugh ] For example, internet was invented for the army. It can all be used in the wrong way. So you say we’ll see when we get there. Yes, of course In your opinion, what will be the next big invention? I think quantum computation, computers based on quantum physics. I think this will be revolutionary. Why do you think so? Because it will change all of the schemes we are following. When will that happen? Don’t know… Let’s see in a few years. There are people working on that. Is there anything that scares you about the future? The economic crisis… we’ll have to see what happens in the future in Spain. Do you have kids? No. When you have kids, do you hope that they become scientists? I hope so [ laughs ] I will try! If they want... if they don’t, I will advise them to be a therapist or go into the field they want. So if they like history, you will not send them away? No [ laughs ] It seems that you go with the flow very easily. What challenges you in life? Human relationships... I’m not very good at that. Why not? I prefer my computer. [ we both laugh ] I’m sure your computer also prefers you, but we also like you very much. [ we laugh again ] What is the most difficult part about human relationships? Trying to say something in a way that doesn’t make other people worry. Is it easier to talk to a computer? Yes, the computer will only do what you said. But it’s less funny! You know what the computer will do. You can’t predict what people will do. That’s the spice in everything. When we add more intelligence to the computer, let’s see what happens! Women in Computer Vision Noelia teaching during the First Computer Vision Week event in Ciudad Real, Spain Noelia at Ueno Park in Tokyo, Japan Women in Science
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