Computer Vision News - January 2018
Many problems in the field of vision can be solved using Augmented Reality techniques . We shall try to explain the meaning of this and what kind of problems can be solved through AR . The task of Augmented Reality is to overlay rich media on a picture taken in the real world . This overlay is virtual and it is designed to create or emphasize virtual objects in a real environment, with the goal of generating an interaction between the user and these objects. The main problem to be solved when dealing with augmented reality tasks is understanding the real environment: for instance, scene understanding and detection of the surfaces on which the virtual objects will be overlaid, without compromising the veracity of the generated scene. Real objects must be correctly detected and tracked as well. This is particularly true in medical applications: when we apply an overlay on the patient, we need to track the region which will be examined or operated. When surgeons use AR glasses, we need to track their gaze as well, as it moves around the scene. In this case, tracking follow the surgeons eyes and the scene can change dramatically, as a function of the gaze moving. A continuous registration process is necessary to perform this tracking: an object which is detected in a specific frame of the scene (and upon which the overlay is displayed) needs to be registered again in the following frame. The team of computer vision experts at RSIP Vision has many years of successful experience in solving problems of detection , registration and tracking : we run several projects in ophthalmic imaging, accurately tracking eyes and pupils in real time. We also developed general applications of augmented reality for user guidance, guiding users according 30 Computer Vision News Image Processing Project Augmented Reality - AR Every month, Computer Vision News reviews a successful project. Our main purpose is to show how diverse image processing applications can be and how the different techniques contribute to solving technical challenges and physical difficulties. This month we review RSIP Vision’s approach to Augmented Reality and our experience in AR projects . RSIP Vision’s engineers can assist you in countless application fields. Get effective R&D consulting from our experts now! Project “Many problems in the field of vision can be solved using Augmented Reality techniques”
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