Computer Vision News - January 2018
28 Computer Vision News Raquel Urtasun when they introduce the committee, it’s Professor/Doctor Something. Then they arrive to the female faculty and suddenly it’s Mrs Blahblah. Was she a professor or doctor? Of course she was a professor or doctor, but suddenly it’s Mrs! This has happened a lot to me: they don’t introduce you as professor or doctor. Yes, it’s very typical that they suddenly remove the titles. Do you correct that? In these particular cases, I do not do it. I always regret it. Depending on certain settings, you also think about the consequences of you making a scene that aren’t necessarily as good as what you are going to cause. The important thing is creating awareness about this. Then people might change. Can we go back to the subject of confidence? You told me recently that it’s not easy to be a woman. But here you are such a strong example of success. Where does the lack of confidence come from? I think almost all women suffer from impostor syndrome. I am just one of them. Where does it come from? I don’t know where it comes from: if we knew, we would have solved one of the biggest problems. When we tell you that you are perfectly okay, do you trust the person who tells you? That’s the thing, right. We’re just insecure. You prefer to hear all of the negative rather than listen to the positive? Even if insecure, we all need to fight our impostor syndrome! This is how I've managed to be successful, by never giving up, no matter how unconfident I felt. Give us a tip on how to fight it. Think about the other people that you know and their abilities. Think about what they would be doing in your case. Then you will see the world from a very different perspective because the glasses that you put on to see others are not the same that you use to see yourself. Maybe that will help you overcome this lack of confidence. How can others give support and help “ We all need to fight our impostor syndrome! This is how I've managed to be successful… ” photo: Erica Edwards @Uber Guest
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