Computer Vision News - March 2017

30 Computer Vision News Research Research The liver dataset is taken from the 3D Liver Tumor Segmentation Challenge 2008 More results can be seen in the original article. The source code: The authors published their source code and the code for the comparison algorithms IVC2010 and IVC2013, which may be downloaded here . The code includes the following functions: 1. levelset_ivc2010 – implementation developed by Zhou et al in 2010. 2. levelset_ivc2013 – implementation developed by Wang et al in 2013. 3. levelset_selective – implementation of the new formulation developed by the authors in this paper. The parameters for this function are:  img - the input image to be segmented.  imgfcm - the values for the image, produced by the FCM2D function.  fcmind - the indices of the different clusters, also produced by the FCM2D function.  alpha,beta,gamma - initial parameters. In addition, the runme file can be used to produce demo results. A new level set model with fuzzy region competition for selective image segmentation