Computer Vision News - January 2017
Computer Vision News Computer Vision Events 37 one hour. 20-30 round tables were set up (see photo below), each with a different topic, and we had the unique opportunity to sit down with experts (2-3 per table) to have a conversation and ask them anything we want. It was great to see many high-profile ML researchers (also men) taking their time to volunteer as a mentor, giving advice on for example work/life balance, choosing between academia and industry, and offering inspiring discussions about their research areas (and yes, there was also a Computer Vision table ). So there I was, sitting next to people whose papers I have read and who I admire for their work, asking them if they like their job. It was a unique and inspiring experience, and probably the main reasons I want to come back next year. The workshop ended with another highlight, the poster sessions - with a whopping 230 posters . This was a great opportunity to showcase your work to a wide audience, even for those who did not attend the main conference. For all women in Machine Learning I can only recommend to submit an abstract to next year's WiML, or attend the event. Look at the schedule of this year's workshop and especially at all the mentor's in the roundtable sessions - I am sure this will convince you. Thanks to their sponsors, the event was free of charge (and probably will be next year), and they were able to give out a total of 77,000$ worth of travel grants to 198 poster presenters . So, hopefully see you at next year's WiML! Event The WiML workshop during the roundtable mentorship session For some reason, Luisa did not send us a picture of her at NIPS. We found one anyway: it’s Luisa showing her poster. Read about her work here !
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