Computer Vision News - February 2017
Just recently, Ben Dov heard a story from the project in Israel, about a lady who was thought to be completely locked in . Her mind was there, but she couldn’t move a muscle. They put Sesame in front of her, and all of a sudden she responds to them and says, “ Hi, I am here. I can hear you! ” Outside of Israel, the cost model was once based on pre-installed smartphones for $1,200. Recently, Google came up, validated the technology and, with Android 7 , allowed it to become an app in the Google Play store . This huge progress means that the app can be licensed without selling the smartphone. Once it becomes an app, the model is subscription-based : first and foremost, you get a free trial for the first month. You can make sure that the technology works for you, that you are happy with it, and that it really does everything that you want it to. With subsequent months, there will be a monthly subscription. The Sesame phone helps people succeed and it improves their lives. Ben Dov tells about a double bottom line business: it’s making money and making a living, but also impacting the world. The feature they would most like to add is a robotic arm , so that when you say Open Sesame, it doesn’t just open the phone, but it takes it out of the bag and puts it in front of you. Right now, users are with the phone all of the time. To make it more like everyone else, an arm could take it out. That’s sort of science fiction. Also, gaze tracking (following the eyes where they are looking) is something that a lot of companies in that space are trying to work on and it’s not an easy task to do from the front facing camera of a smartphone. Of course, Sesame Enable feel very close to their users. If you know of anyone disabled or paralyzed who can benefit from a Sesame Phone, they would love to hear about it. It’s not only business, it’s also helping people and changing lives ! Computer Vision News Application 7 Application Helping people and changing lives!
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