Computer Vision News - November 2016
Right now the core of the system is ready. Vasileiou would like to increase the number of customers and test it with them, building on the current set of 25 merchandisers. The system is expandable using all best-practices, but when they will be able to deploy it in additional stores, the level of confidence will be higher. In his own words: ” The complete company is 25 people. In Greece, we have a big R&D team of 19 people. Then we have 3 people in Cyprus and some international sales personnel in Japan and America. We are testing it in Greece first, then next month we will begin testing in another market. We are trying to expand in Europe, and our next target will most likely be Italy, Spain, and then Germany. ” When the company started, they did not really target retail: the focus was more on IoT. Then retailers reached out, presented their problem and asked for a solution. This is why Yodigram was designed as a service solution and this was actually their first customer, almost two years ago. Vasileiou says the company will continue its IoT platform approach, because Yodigram uses the platform for communications and startups. Basically, they try to give computer vision to more customers for other kind of problems because they can use the Yodigram platform to be able to run computer vision with drag and drop features. Basically, it’s IoT with drag and drop like it’s used in Matlab and Simulink, allowing to drag blocks and connect them. In terms of the practical application, they provide new IoT applications. For example, they run projects in Swedish hospitals to take the temperature of different machines in order to call for maintenance actions. The ideal client - concludes Vasileiou - is service providers, because they can create services building on the platform: “ Facility management service is our present and future target; and also everything which is BIoT (Building Internet of Things) for home automation. ” Computer Vision News Application 69 “We are trying to expand in Europe, and our next target will most likely be Italy, Spain, and then Germany” Application Petros Vasileiou is VP Technology & Chief Architect at Yodiwo “The ideal client is service providers, because they can create services building on the platform”
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