Computer Vision News - November 2016

ECCV Daily: Have you seen other women dealing with this sort of issue without being able to overcome it? Cheng: People have similar feelings, but I don’t see any females around me being stopped by this. ECCV Daily: Have you felt that you wished to be a man so this wouldn’t happen to you? Cheng: No, it never happened to me. I’m happy to be a woman. If you are jealous, it’s your problem, not mine. ECCV Daily: What do you want to achieve? Cheng: As I said, I want to impact the world in a positive way. I also like technology. I ask, why do we have technology? To help humans reach a higher standard of living. That’s my goal, to contribute to science and technology in a way that can make people happier and healthier. ECCV Daily: Most of these technologies help those who are already happy and healthy, and there is a big imbalance between those who are happy and healthy and those who are not. Cheng: No, I don’t think so because I’m one of the people who actually think about it. If you come to my poster this afternoon, I have a paper here which is solving computer vision problems. I made a model. I talked to doctors in clinics and asked them about what they do. They explained the problems that their patients have by showing me drawings of the human body. That’s an image, right? A very experienced doctor can inspect the patient and draw some conclusions; maybe you have a nerve infection, etc. Then you have text data or descriptions. Combining images and texts help doctors solve medical problems, for example. That’s how I can apply my model to help people so a doctor can make better recommendations on the problems that their patients have by referring to the drawing. It’s a recommendation system for the doctor. In that way I can help people. In Sweden, you have to wait a long time to meet a doctor. You have to schedule early in advance and if you have small problems, it can get delayed. In this way, a lot of people who have problems can get help faster. 32 Women in Computer Vision BEST OF ECCV