Computer Vision News - July 2016
Following that, we locate the potential risks and build a workaround and some mechanics that lower the risk in the special cases which are being exposed. Another necessary step is consulting with knowledge experts in the specific field . The rationale for this is that developers are dealing with an application which will work in a certain environment and they do not necessarily understand all the possible scenarios that might be found in this field. This is particularly true in medical application or with specific engineering work, which require the input of knowledge experts on the assumptions done by the developer in each step and on how that leads to the next step in the algorithm. Every algorithm has its own parameter and, if we want to keep control over the parameters, we have to be fully aware of the possibility that the user might change a parameter (in a way that we do not want) and to assess in advance how this might affect the validity of this algorithm. This might happen because in most of the cases parameters are left in some external file, so that the developer does not have to compile software every time a parameter is modified. On the downside, this exposes the file to application engineers who might change it in a way which was not taken into account at the time of designing the algorithm. “ Locate potential risks and build a workaround that lowers the risk ” Computer Vision News Project Management Tip 35 Management
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