Computer Vision News - July 2016
2 Computer Vision News Read This Month Special CVPR Review and Best of CVPR Daily 4 Application of the month: Poseidon drowning detection 12 Tool: SLIC ( Simple Linear Iterative Clustering ) SuperPixels 21 SLIC SuperPixel algo. 1. Initialized cluster center = [ , , , , ] sampling pixels at regular grid steps 2. For each pixel, set label ( ( ) = −1) and the distance ( ) = ∞ 3. Loop 4. For (each cluster center ) 5. For (each pixel in 2 ⋅ 2 region around ) 6. Computer the distance between and 7. If ( <d(i)) 8. d(i) = 9. l(i) = k 10. end if 11. end for 12. end for 13. Update cluster centers 14. Compute residual error E 15. Until E < threshold Interview with our Guest: Prasad Modali of INTEL 16 Event of the Month EECVC, Odessa: July 9 30 Spotlight News A choice of great headline stories 20
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