Computer Vision News - April 2016

Application COMPUTER VISION NEWS Clarifai decided then to apply the same technology to video content. When the company started, its main focus was on images, but since they have launched the video API : video is downloaded to Clarifai’s server, where it is read by the classifier in a much shorter time than the original length of the video. A full set of information is then returned to the API, including the level of confidence for each of the concepts found in the video. In this way, user can quickly know those parts of the video where Clarifai’s application has seen the searched object. If the user is looking for three specific items together, all he or she has to do is choose the sections where all three items are displayed with a high level of confidence. The system is trained today to understand 11,000 different concepts and it is available in 20 different languages. 5 Business opportunities for this technology are massive: for instance, Unilever uses it today to understand people’s preferences based on the images and videos they post on social media; by properly predicting tags on these visual contents, the company is able to adapt its advertising and optimize it. Vimeo , BuzzFeed and Vodafone are among the other big names already building on Clarifai’s API and a new photo organizer called Forevery is being launched. The latest feature Clarifai has rolled out with is something called the Not Safe for Work (NSFW) recognition model, which is available via their API . This feature allows users to recognize nudity and pornography in images and video. While most firms use the NSFW recognition model to moderate and filter unwanted content from their media, some adult companies use it to find, curate, and feature adult content on their websites. Engineers at Clarifai painstakingly iterated training of the NSFW model to not only handle safe and explicit content, but also deliver sensible intermediate responses for bikini and lingerie photos, allowing developers to choose what’s best for their business.