Computer Vision News - April 2016
COMPUTER VISION NEWS 18 The notification decision mechanism After the identification of the missing action, the cost if missing the action is calculated. High cost for the missing the action would issue a notification message for the user. This notification is only allowed in the beginning stage of an action, as giving repetitive notification of during the all course of an action might be annoying for the user. Research The research results are very promising: in the given example, latte making activity, all subjects were asked during data collection to make lattes according to their own preferences; therefore, the action order and duration, as well as the actions in each video, are diverse. The total number of frames in the dataset is 344,173. The online prediction accuracy is 68.3% when the prediction is made at every time step. The main innovation of the system is that it notifies people when they forget to perform an action before their current action ends. The system is able to understand the ongoing action and decide whether another action has been irregularly skipped. It also decides whether it is necessary to create an alert about this missing action. In order to do so, the system needs to extract interaction dependencies and be equipped with a decision mechanism that evaluates the significance of the missing action. Ideally, the system should be able to detect the missing action and its relative importance in the shortest delay, so that any alert is still on time to prevent further damage. Free Subscription Dear reader, Do you enjoy reading Computer Vision News? Would you like to receive it for free in your mailbox every month? It will take you less than 1 minute to fill the Subscription Form. You will receive Computer Vision News by email and will be able to share it with your colleagues and friends at no cost at all. BTW, we hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, always . You can also read Computer Vision News on our website . In the future, you will find in our archive new and old issues as well. Subscription Form (click here, it’s free)
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