CVPR Daily - Wednesday

now doing research for the sake of research because it’s interesting. I haven’t decided which of these important problems we talked about yet is that one problem, but I want to do something like that and focus and try to help achieve that. Tell us one thing about you that we do not know. Again, that’s a very difficult question. I do not know much! I don’t think I like to talk about myself that much! [she laughs] Oh, so you had a great idea of accepting my offer for an interview. Yeah, to be honest, I was not sure what I was going to say! Now, it’s too late! I know. People have convinced me otherwise. Who convinced you? Well, my manager and my boyfriend. They were both like, “No, you should do it. It’s a good thing. It inspires people!” I’m like: “I don’t know if I like doing these self-promotion things.” I often discover the most surprising things about people I do not know. Yeah, well, there we go. That’s one thing you didn’t know about me! [both laugh] Do you have a final message for the community? Do big things that matter because I think you can achieve it. There are so many smart people in this field and there are many, many interesting problems to be solved. I think if we put our minds together, we can improve this world that we live in. 30 DAILY CVPR Women in Computer Vision Wednesday