CVPR Daily - Thursday

6 DAILY CVPR Thursday By looking at a different representation of the 3D surface, we can build on well-established frameworks for global optimal matching problems that lead to geometric consistency. I think the secret is the simplicity and the fact that it’s very fast in practice.” Away from writing top-rated papers, Florian works at the intersection of machine learning and mathematical optimization in visual computing. Meanwhile, Paul explores solutions to 3D shape matching problems with optimization methods. Looking ahead, Florian acknowledges an unresolved challenge: “The most critical open problem is whether an algorithm exists to solve this problem in polynomial time,” he ponders. “What we have is fast in practice, but the worst-case time is still exponential. The next step would be to investigate if it’s possible to come up with a similar formalism that could lead to a polynomial time algorithm that is provably fast.” To learn more about Paul and Florian’s work, visit Orals 4B: 3D Vision (Summit Flex Hall AB) from 13:00 to 14:30 [Oral 2] and Poster Session 4 & Exhibit Hall (Arch 4A-E) from 17:15 to 18:45 [Poster 185]. Award Candidate