CVPR Daily - Thursday

be passionate about over the next few years? Right now, I’m passionate about robotics and showing that vision can be useful for action and embodied intelligence, as opposed to just passive image understanding. I think this is very interesting. Another thing that I find interesting is interfaces where the user walks around in their home, and there is an assistant that doesn’t need to be embodied, that doesn’t have a body, but it can see what the user sees, hear what it hears, know about its routine, and the artificial assistant is trying to provide help, reminding the user what to do, answering questions, and so on. Would it not be embarrassing to have a machine knowing everything about your house? No. Specifically, I would love to have a machine to tell me where my phone is because I constantly forget it. You could put a chip on your phone, and it will tell you. True, but then I need to put a chip on anything that I’m searching for. Not only this but what’s in the fridge? Where is your kid? A general assistant would be nice. Another thing I find interesting is assisting people with dementia. They ask tons of questions per minute. Human assistants can get tired. We can’t replace human assistants right now, but at least they can have an artificial assistant that doesn’t get tired and constantly replies to them and makes them feel at ease. If I tell you now that in your very last years, you will befriend a machine to answer your questions, I’m not sure that you would want that. Yes, but the question is, what’s the alternative? The alternative is you being alone without anybody replying to you. Beyond total loneliness, it’s better with a machine. Do you have a last message for the community? I think the community is very lucky that it’s in the right field at the time it’s exploding. It’s extremely exciting. Weshouldn’t be egocentric about it; we should just give to other people, as opposed to keeping it for ourselves. 22 DAILY CVPR Women in Computer Vision Thursday “We treat the AI problem as general embodied intelligence as opposed to just understanding images, trying to understand language, or predicting actions. Seeing all three together makes more sense!”