CVPR Daily - Thursday

16 DAILY CVPR Women in Computer Vision Thursday Katerina with graduated student Adam Haley Katerina Fragkiadaki is an associate professor in the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University and one of the Program Chairs at ICLR 2024 in Vienna, where this interview was taken. Read 160 FASCINATING interviews with Women in Computer Vision What can you tell us about your work, Katerina? I work in computer vision, robotics, and machine learning. Mostly on problems of how we relate vision to language and action for decision making and understanding images and videos. Did you choose that field, or did the field choose you? When I first started working in this field, I worked on image understanding. It was pure computer vision, but as the field is progressing, other aspects are also converging. Vision is converging with language and action. We treat the AI problem as general embodied intelligence as opposed to just understanding images, trying to understand language, or predicting actions. Seeing all three together makes more sense. “I think the community is very lucky that it’s in the right field at the time it’s exploding. It’s extremely exciting!”