CVPR Daily - Friday

17 DAILY CVPR Friday This year is Lorenzo’s first CVPR and first paper, which makes being selected as a highlight even more special. The ‘highlight’ tag has only been given to around 12% of this year’s accepted papers based on their high quality and potential impact. “It’s a dream for me,” he smiles. “It’s an honor to be a highlight paper. We touched on a very interesting topic, which is quite hot. We look at open-vocabulary models from a different perspective, which is not the usual one we see with classical benchmarks. I think there was an interest in looking at the situation from a different perspective and looking at directions where we can make a lot of difference in the next few years.” For those intrigued by this emerging field, Lorenzo’s poster offers an opportunity to delve deeper into the challenges. “We have an interesting task that currently has no solution,” he adds. “If you come to my poster, we can discuss possible solutions. Maybe we can help each other find something that will greatly advance the research in this area.” To learn more about Lorenzo’s work, visit Poster Session 5 & Exhibit Hall (Arch 4A-E) from 10:30 to 12:00 [Poster 285]. The Devil is in the Fine-Grained Details