CVPR Daily - Thursday

The problem of goal-navigation was the subject of a previous article in Computer Vision News of December. We are now again looking into this from a different perspective: How is Realistic PointGoal Navigation different from idealized one, and how much does it rely on Mapping? PointNav is a navigation task where an Agent is initialized in a previously unseen environment and is tasked to reach the goal specified relative to its starting location. The action space is discrete and consists of four types of actions: stop (to end the episode), move forward by 0.25m, turn left and turn work by Marica Muffoletto (twitter) This article was first published on Computer Vision News of June 2022, ahead of the poster presentation tomorrow (Friday) at CVPR 2022. By choosing this paper, Ralph and I intend to show our continuous support to Ukraine and its people. We deeply thank all authors (Ruslan Partsey, Erik Wijmans, Naoki Yokoyama, Oles Dobosevych, Dhruv Batra, Oleksandr Maksymets) for allowing us to use their images. Is Mapping Necessary for Realistic PointGoal Navigation? 3 DAILY CVPR Thursday Ruslan Partsey et al. UK AINE CORNER