CVPR Daily - Tuesday
23 DAILY CVPR Tuesday your kids in a way that they have creativity. You don ’ t limit them. You don ’ t tell them all the time, “ Do this! Don ’ t do this! ” At the same time, my mom had very high discipline, very, very high. When my mom and my dad were both teachers, we had this structured family that also gave us freedom and independence to make things happen. I was in elementary school, and I was helping my parents because they were both working. I had 3 siblings, and I was taking care of them, even though I was just nine months older than my younger sister. I helped them with the bank, going to the post office, helping the family to raise my siblings as well. When you give responsibilities to your kids, you give them freedom to make decisions, they grow stronger. That is the foundation for our personalities. Not everyone should be like me, but I ’ m happy with that. Even my choice to know my husband before getting married in Iran... He was my best friend. As I mentioned, he was my first best chance in my life. I couldn ’ t have this if I was raised in a family that wouldn ’ t let me make those decisions. This is just going back to the foundation. How you raise your kids and that family culture that you cultivate in your kids. You need to give them that freedom for creativity. I ’ m a very creative person. My dad is also an architect in addition to being a teacher. I remember I was helping him with design and hanging fireplaces, like when I was in elementary school. I downloaded different designs from the internet for him and for his clients. These are just small examples of helping our kids to get stronger and stronger in their life, to have the opportunities to explore what they love. My satisfaction and happiness that I have today with my family and my husband and with my job, every single point goes back to that foundation. If you could fulfill the biggest dream of your life, what would you choose? It ’ s a very, very easy answer because I think about this every day. I believe that what I do today, spending the precious days of my life behind a computer, in business meetings, in technical meetings, is really just because I love the problem we are solving. Otherwise, honestly, it ’ s not worth it. I would love to go climbing and skiing and having fun rather than working behind a computer. My dream is to have this magic wand that will make technology available for doctors to use and serve millions of patients. There is nothing more rewarding than that! Read more than 100 interviews with Women in Computer Vision! MaryamSadeghi
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