CVPR Daily - Monday
12 DAILY CVPR Monday We have to appreciate this year’s CVPR for what it is and not pretend that it’s some other CVPR in the past. Unless you’re standing in Hawaii, it’s not going to be like a CVPR in Hawaii! As a senior researcher, it’s very easy for us to feel a sense that it doesn’t matter very much, but don’t give in to apathy would be my message. Please show up and participate because you will make a meaningful difference to someone. Perhaps a junior researcher will be inspired by you through a random chat you have which changes what they do with their research. You will ultimately benefit from that interaction as well. With so many thousands of attendees and submitted papers, the community can clearly see the importance of the event and is going strong and working hard regardless of the constraints. Yes, despite all the challenges of Covid, the community is doing really well. The program chairs have had over 7,000 submissions. What this means behind the scenes is that they needed to bring together thousands of reviewers, including emergency reviewers. The scale of things is mind-boggling compared to just a few years ago. There are 120 candidates for Best Paper alone that the awards committee have read in detail. The fact that we have committed volunteers who are processing things at this scale shows that not only is the community growing but the passion from the people who contribute to the community remains high. I am really grateful. but it’s not one that is encouraging tourism in any way. What I worry about more is not the where, I actually worry about the when. The coral reefs are a fragile ecosystem and they’re shrinking. I hope we get to have many more CVPRs and many more CVPRs with some diving as well! I know you are an accomplished diver. Where would you suggest the best place would be to hold CVPR that would satisfy your aquatic side? I actually learned to dive in Hawaii with my wife in the late ‘ 90s just by accident and Hawaii is still an amazing place to do it. We particularly like to dive with sharks and rays, “ Scuba diving helped me to learn to relax under pressure! ” A Word of Welcome...
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