CVPR Daily - Wednesday

DAILY Wednesday Workshop 14 The workshop covered a wide number of topics through a series of invited keynote presentations describing cutting edge research in both academia and industry, from prominent world-class leaders in the field. This year, the format was changed to adapt to the virtual format, where talks were pre-recorded with a live Q&A panel where audience members asked the speakers questions over chat and live within zoom. The schedule and the pre-recorded talks can be found here. The first session included a number of talks by prominent researchers in the area of computer-aided interventions, presenting a wide range of machine learning methods for improving the clinical workflow for surgery and interventions. This included a very interesting talk by Dan Stoyanov , University College London, highlighting the new opportunities for computer vision in surgical applications and the challenges in translation to clinically usable systems, given the range of cameras now available in the operating room. Medical Computer Vision workshop by Tal Arbel The 7th iteration of the CVPR Medical Computer Vision workshop was held virtually on June 15, 2020. The workshop was organized by Tal Arbel (McGill University, Canada), Nicolas Padoy (University of Strasbourg, France), Le Lu (PAII Inc. & Johns Hopkins University, USA) and Leo Grady (PAIGE, USA). The goal of the workshop was to bridge the gap between the medical image analysis/ computer aided intervention communities and the computer vision community, providing a forum for exchanges of ideas, potential new collaborative efforts, and new machine learning systems for medical applications.