CVPR Daily - Tuesday
graphics in Toronto two years ago. He now has the honour of having weekly meetings with him. “He’s a very energetic researcher,” Boyang says, smiling. “He’s 72 years old and still a very energetic scientist who comes to the office every day to do research and discuss ideas with members of his team. Other people on his level manage teams of 100 people, but Geoff has a more compact team so he will give you guidance and interact with everyone. He wants to push this concept of vision as inverse graphics and I work closely with him on that. He’ll give me a high-level blueprint about how things should be in four- or five-years’ time . I benefit a lot from that long-term vision because I treat every paper as a serious step towards that goal. That’s so useful for a newbie like me who has just started out in his research career.” Finally, he adds: “He even writes code himself!” Is he good at it? We ask. “I have never read his code!” Boyang replies, tactfully :) To learn more about Boyang’s work, you are invited to watch his pre-recorded oral video at 10:15 or 22:15 and visit one of the Oral 1.1A Q&A sessions today (Tuesday) at 10:00-12:00 or 22:00-00:00. DAILY T u e s d a y Boyang Deng 9
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