CVPR Daily - Thursday
DAILY T h u r s d a y Editorial 4 Good Morning CVPR! Welcome to the third and final edition of CVPR Daily for 2020 , published by RSIP Vision . What a fascinating conference it has been this year. Organizing a virtual event of this scale at such short notice is no mean feat and we would like to congratulate everyone involved for achieving the almost impossible! We are entering a new era. Just a few months ago, when the current chairs were still organizing the physical conference in Seattle , nobody could have predicted that we would be here today. There have been technical and logistical challenges to overcome, but everyone has done an outstanding job and created something very special. In particular, we wish to congratulate Event Producer Nicole Finn for once again making CVPR the premier computer vision event of the year . Georgia Gkioxari Program Co-chair, CVPR 2021 Research Scientist, Facebook AI Research Ralph Anzarouth Editor, Computer Vision News Marketing Manager, RSIP Vision CVPR Daily Publisher: RSIP Vision All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is strictly forbidden. Copyright: RSIP Vision Our editorial choices are fully independent from IEEE, CVPR and the conference organizers.
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