CVPR Daily - Thursday
Oh really? Please stay safe! It's fine. It’s already gone. What new things can be said at this year’s Women in Computer Vision workshop that wasn’t said in previous ones? That’s a good question. The workshop is continually evolving. Every time we have new keynote speakers, and they share about their work and their experiences. Every year we have new participants. Some people have never come before, so for them, it’s a new opportunity. Then, at the dinner, we invite speakers to talk about their experiences. They are non-technical talks. They speak about their role and what it’s been like for them, the struggles, the challenges they faced. Every year, we kind of get new perspectives from different people. The other thing is that we also now have a panel discussion, which wasn’t in the first few editions of the workshops. Last ECCV, it was actually a pretty good success, and CVPR as well. At the panel discussion at CVPR 2019, a lot of tough questions were asked about balancing having a family and balancing having a career. Some subjects are new and weren’t mentioned before. Every year, we get new Let’s talk about you. You are working in England, but you are not British. That’s correct. Originally, I’m from Mumbai, India. When I was young, my family moved to Hong Kong, so I lived there for a bit. Then my family moved to Singapore. So I lived there. Then we moved back to Mumbai. I finished school in Mumbai. Then I went to the UK for my undergrad. It seems like you really like islands: Singapore, Hong Kong, and England. Yeah! And Mumbai is made up of seven islands as well. [ both laugh ] Looks like we got a trend here! Of all these island places, which one do you prefer? Definitely Mumbai “Andrew [Zisserman] is a great supervisor: even though he’s so busy, he is extremely hands on. I just find it amazing that he spends so much time with his PhD students and Postdocs!” Really? It’s my home. Nothing can replace that. Is it something special for you, or do you think anyone who goes to Mumbai would love it? It’s definitely not objective. It’s definitely DAILY T h u r s d a y Arsha Nagrani 27
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