CVPR Daily - Thursday

DAILY T h u r s d a y C.Vision for Fashion, Art and Design 23 Hui is excited about where creativity and AI is going to go next. She plans to take forward her work on vision and language: “Language is so important if we want to push computational creativity forward . Some of the earlier work in this domain relies entirely on visual features. Language and vision research will go hand in hand with computer vision for fashion research. That’s where I’m trying to take my research, and that’s what I really want to see more work on.” communitie s. This is a really interesting and underexplored area, which closely relates to my work in the Ethical AI team . I would like to see more works and diverse datasets that cover people with different body shapes and fashion items from different cultures. Not just having fashion from a few particular designers. I’m really keen to look back over everything I’ve done, and that the community has done, to help make it fairer.” All figures in this article were kindly provided by Wei-Lin (Kimberly) Hsiao and Kristen Grauman, from their paper ViBE: Dressing for Diverse Body Shapes . Both are affiliated with the University of Texas at Austin and Facebook AI Research . “I would like to see more works and diverse datasets that cover people with different body shapes and