CVPR Daily - 2018 - Thursday
noticed that, when I was in graduate school, I used to only look at papers that were in my area. Whereas now, I find more topics interesting. I don’t know why that is, but I like that. Is there anything you would like to change in our community? I haven’t been in this game for long enough to be able to say authoritatively what I would like to change. There are people with much more experience than I have. One thing that we discussed at the Visual Question Answering workshop was that perhaps the community should encourage sharing novel ideas more and not overfocus on performance. That’s one thing that I would like to see. ...which is not far from what Nikos Paragios said in his famous article about the “deep depression”. I think it’s a complex issue, and I found what Jitendra Malik had to say at that workshop very interesting about how we, as a science community, need to be driven by empirical results. We don’t need to only do that. We need to value novel ideas and give novel ideas a chance so that they can develop more.. I would also encourage people to attend the Good Citizen of CVPR workshop, which I think is a great idea by Devi Parikh and Dhruv Batra from Georgia Tech. There will be a variety of topics discussed there: how to be a good member of the CVPR community. I encourage everyone to attend that. That is on Friday as well. So you are advertising other workshops than yours? [ both laugh ] Actually, I have a conflict of interest because I am also speaking there. [ smiles ] I would also encourage people to attend Visual Understanding of Subjective Attributes of Data, which is also held on Friday. Thanks for the interview, Ralph! It was fun! Thursday 15 Adriana Kovashka “Not overfocus on performance” “It was fun!”
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