CARS Preview 2018
Challenge 23 CARS 2018 Preview very limited time to train their algorithms. They can’t change the parameters, so I suggest not focusing on obtaining the most amazing results in the first phase. Think about the fact that the algorithms will be used for the other mystery tasks, so don’t be too specific about those seven data sets. All the instructions are on the website and it is very important to understand that if you don’t participate in the first stage, you can’t participate in the second. It is mandatory that anyone who wants to participate has to register and submit their results before the deadline of the first stage. After this date, no one can register anymore, because the mystery tasks will be released at this point. What was particularly challenging in organizing this challenge? Besides the collection of data, another very challenging aspect is how to combine all the numbers that arise with these segmentations, because we are talking about thousands of data sets and there are several indexes that can be used for evaluating each segmentation. There is a team that is working on how to combine the data and how to combine the results, because finally we need one single number - we need the winner and we need to say that this algorithm is the best one. We have to find the statistical significance for this combination and not only to decide which index to apply for evaluating the segmentation, but also, how to combine all these indexes together to end up with a number. I think this is as much of a challenge as collecting all the data. “It is very important to understand that if you don’t participate in the first stage, you can’t participate in the second!”
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