ECCV 2020 Daily - Wednesday

2 Guest 10 vision and machine learning were both in a dusty corner of academia – a lot of maths, a lot of physics, not that much software engineering, and nothing really worked. I remember when people would come into the office they would be really impressed by the computer graphics demos, but if I showed them an example of content-based image retrieval for tigers, they would see some tigers get retrieved, but then a pumpkin got retrieved, and they would lose faith in the system right away. I would say, “Well, the pumpkin is actually orange and it does have these little stripe-like things,” and they would look at me like I am crazy! We will not tell readers the year of your first paper because they will never DAILY W e d n e s d a y "We somehow moved closer to understanding intelligence, but I just think we got much better at fancy forms of memorization."